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Payment Processing

Unfortunately in today's economy, cash is no longer king.  For many businesses, credit card usage takes up more than half of their revenue.  

Costs to run a business are increasing and combined with pressures from online and large businesses, it is important to keep the hard earned money.  

Yes, mobility advancements and the full integration of mobile wallets will be convenient for the consumer, but what will mobile wallets mean for you as a business owner? 

Business owners will have to meet the customer's demands and invest in technology. 

How much are you paying for your credit card fees? It can be very difficult and confusing to calculate.  Let us simplify your merchant processing needs.  

We offer near zero rates ranging from 0.1% to 0,4% so that merchants can save money.  


Save Money

Devices such as smartphones and tablets are changing the way transactions are made.  Long lines in front of the register may be a thing of the past.  

We are investing heavily in researching and developing new payment solutions, but we will be focusing also on low cost solutions for the merchants.  

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